Available thesis projects
We are a research group from the Polytechnic of Milan that operates in the field of digitalization and Industry 4.0 applied to chip removal and in particular to milling. Below are the thesis offers proposed by the group with some explanatory notes:
- The beginning of the thesis is always negotiable so if you are interested in a topic, get in touch
- Always put in copy all the contacts present for the selected topic into the email
- The requirements are indicative and, especially for the basic ones, easily recoverable during the beginning of the thesis
- At the beginning of the thesis, specific lessons will be held to train the student directly on the chosen topic and offer a wide-ranging overview of digitalisation in general
Validation of a force prediction model in micromilling using industrial Digital Twins
Type: Research/Industrial application
Micromilling is a type of chip removal process with high added value often used in cutting-edge technological sectors such as aerospace, automotive or biomedical. Cutting forces in milling and micro-milling processes are a fundamental aspect of machining. They represent the "electrocardiogram of the process", they can provide indications whether the processing is being carried out correctly or not in terms of tolerances to be obtained and general compliance. VERICUT is a commercial software used by companies such as SpaceX, General Electric, Lego and others. It is one of the most advanced simulation software in the world capable of predicting forces in macro-milling but not in micro. With years of research, PoliMill has managed to integrate into VERICUT a model capable of correctly predicting cutting forces in micromilling. The model itself has already been validated previously but not after its integration with commercial software.
The aim of the thesis consists in the processing of a complex piece on a Kern EVO advanced machining center. The forces generated during this operation will be acquired and compared with those predicted by VERICUT using the model developed internally. The model will first have to be calibrated on a new material of industrial relevance, a benchmark piece will have to be designed, and subsequently processed by acquiring the cutting forces and comparing them with the predicted signal, thus definitively validating the integration.
For more information on VERICUT, see the introductory lesson: Introduction to VERICUT.
- Basic knowledge of chip removal processes
- Basic knowledge of cutting forces in milling and/or micro-milling
Skills acquired: Basic operation of a three-axis machine tool, in-depth knowledge of chip removal processes, design of a complete work cycle, basic/medium knowledge of an advanced industrial simulator, knowledge and use of advanced non-contact industrial metrology.
- Prof. Massimiliano Annoni (massimiliano.annoni@polimi.it)
- Ing. Francesco Barna (francesco.barna@polimi.it)
Potential thesis points: 4-7 Points
Complexity: 3,5/5
Start date: Immediately
Tag: VERICUT, Micromilling, Cutting Forces, Simulation, Machine Tools
Feature Based Machining: A new world in the field of milling process automation
Type: Industrial Application/Research
Feature Based Machining (FBM) is a technology present in many CAD/CAMs with the aim of automating as much as possible the generation of part programs necessary for the processing of components on machine tools. It is the cutting-edge industrial theme of the next 20 years which promises enormous advantages in terms of reducing out-of-pocket costs and design/engineering times. Software such as Siemens NX and HyperMill have long since begun to integrate feature recognition. However, it is extremely limited and difficult to apply to complex pieces without enormous quantities of data and months if not years of "training".
The aim of the thesis is to determine a standardizable procedure (in fact an algorithm) that allows the identification of features/surfaces in a unique way. The first step will be the definition of the types of workable features and subsequently their identification by evaluating methodologies and methods.
- Basic knowledge of chip removal processes
- General knowledge of machine tools and their operation
- Basic CAD/CAM knowledge preferable but not necessary
Skills acquired: In-depth knowledge of how industrial-grade CAD/CAM works, In-depth knowledge of how to approach the design and processing of a component using CAD/CAM.
- Prof. Massimiliano Annoni (massimiliano.annoni@polimi.it)
- Ing. Francesco Barna (francesco.barna@polimi.it)
Potential thesis points: 7 Points
Complexity: 5/5
Start date: march/april 2024
Tag: Computer-Aided Manufacturing, Automation, Computer-Aided Design, Feature Based Machining
CAD/CAM to Digital Twin Interface: A new way to automate and improve interoperability between industrial programs
Interoperability between industrial programs is an extremely complex and often mistreated topic at the academic level but extremely heartfelt at an industrial level. Commercial software used by manufacturing giants (from Space X to General Electric, from Mercedes to Lego) are extremely complex and often produced by different developer houses, deal with different stages of the industrial process and must communicate as easily as possible with each other despite each software using different protocols/languages and file types. The flow and quality of data between these software is of paramount importance, and in the current state of the art, many software rely on experts to be able to transmit data effectively. Such a solution is currently extremely expensive in terms of end-user training and absolutely not automated. Software such as Siemens NX, HyperMill and MasterCam, are among the most advanced and popular CAMs in the world and all need to transmit data to simulators such as VERICUT so that the latter can validate their results.
The aim of this thesis is to develop an algorithm capable of automating this transfer of data from one software to another while completely zeroing in on human intervention.
- Basic knowledge of chip removal processes
- General knowledge of machine tools and their operation
- Average programming skills in C++ or Python
- Basic CAD/CAM knowledge preferable but not necessary
- Basic simulation knowledge preferable but not necessary
Skills acquired: Average knowledge of how a CAD/CAM works at the peak of industry, Average knowledge of how a chip removal simulator works, In-depth knowledge of programming in the manufacturing sector.
- Prof. Massimiliano Annoni (massimiliano.annoni@polimi.it)
- Ing. Francesco Barna (francesco.barna@polimi.it)
Potential thesis points: 4 Points
Complexity: 3,5/5
Start date: february/march 2024
Tag: Computer-Aided Manufacturing, Automation, Simulation
Ontologies: an advanced artificial intelligence system for decision-making in manufacturing
An ontology is a series of primitive representations that allows us to accurately describe a field of human knowledge. The key role of ontologies is to be able to obtain a representation of data at a higher level of abstraction other than any specific database can obtain, allowing greater interoperability between databases and systems than would otherwise be possible. Ontologies in computer science are now used to answer queries about the knowledge domain on which they have been applied.
The aim of the thesis is to represent in an ontology the fixing systems that are used in machine tools (mainly in 3-, 4-, 5-axis vertical machining centres) in order to be able to develop an automated decision-making system on which system fasteners to use depending on the component to be machined. The work will not start from scratch but will be based on a previously developed and partially validated system.
- Basic knowledge of chip removal processes
- General knowledge of machine tools and their operation
- Average or advanced programming skills in C++ or Python
Skills acquired: Advanced knowledge of the use/use of ontologies applied to a relevant industrial case, in-depth knowledge of the milling technological cycle, in-depth knowledge of programming in the manufacturing sector.
- Prof. Massimiliano Annoni (massimiliano.annoni@polimi.it)
- Ing. Francesco Barna (francesco.barna@polimi.it)
Potential thesis points: 7 Points
Complexity: 5/5
Start date: march 2024
Tag: Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Tools
Development of a UI (User Interface) using QT© Framework
Type: Industrial Application/Research
The research group uses independently developed software that allows various aspects of IoT to be implemented with machine tools. In collaboration with a Digital Designer, a modern interface was developed to implement in QT.
The aim of the thesis is the implementation of the interface itself with testing of the various features implemented and verification of their robustness.
- Advanced knowledge of programming in C++ and QT Framework
Skills acquired: Conoscenza avanzata dell’utilizzo di software sviluppati in C++ in ambito manifatturiero.
- Prof. Massimiliano Annoni (massimiliano.annoni@polimi.it)
- Ing. Francesco Barna (francesco.barna@polimi.it)
Potential thesis points: 4 Points
Complexity: 4/5
Start date: Immediately
Tag: Programming, QT Framework, C++
Development of an AR/VR system for training operators in the use of machine tools
Type: Industrial Application/Research
The manufacturing field and in particular chip removal processes are slowly approaching the use of software that uses AR/VR applications to manage extremely sensitive topics such as remote training of operators, maintenance operations and more. The group collaborates with Vection Technologies, a young and important Italian software house that operates in this field and is tackling the manufacturing sector for the first time.
The aim of the thesis is to develop a series of procedures that standardize various manual operations on the machine tool and to use the latest generation software made available by Vection Technologies: EnWorks to create such operations and instructions in the AR/VR field. These procedures will then be tested and validated.
- Basic knowledge of chip removal processes
- Basic knowledge of machine tools
- Basic knowledge and use of CAD
Skills acquired: Advanced knowledge of software in the AR/VR field, Average knowledge of machine tool operation procedures, Use of proprietary software in the AR/VR field
- Prof. Massimiliano Annoni (massimiliano.annoni@polimi.it)
- Ing. Francesco Barna (francesco.barna@polimi.it)
Potential thesis points: 4 Points
Complexity: 4/5
Start date: Immediately
Tag: Augumented Reality, Virtual Reality, Machine Tool, Training
Machine Vision: the use of artificial intelligence for the analysis of configurations and diagnostics of the states of machine tools
Type: Industrial Application/Research
Machine Vision is an artificial intelligence technique for image analysis that is now common industrial research topic in many manufacturing fields. In the field of machine tools, it is a nascent technology with enormous promise in terms of results and use.
The aim of the thesis is to create a machine vision system that is able to correlate components that are mounted on the machine tool, such as vices and other fixing systems to 3D objects deriving from CAD (STEP, IGES, STL format). The system will be validated in real working conditions to verify its robustness and applicability.
- Basic knowledge of chip removal processes
- General knowledge of machine tools and their operation
- Medium or advanced knowledge of programming in Python (preferable if already in the MV field)
Skills acquired: In-depth knowledge in terms of Machine Vision applied to manufacturing and a real use case, In-depth knowledge of the milling technological cycle, In-depth knowledge of machine tools, In-depth knowledge of programming.
- Prof. Massimiliano Annoni (massimiliano.annoni@polimi.it)
- Ing. Francesco Barna (francesco.barna@polimi.it)
Potential thesis points: 7 Points
Complexity: 4/5
Start date: Immediately
Tag: Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Vision, Machine Tools
Expansion of a mechanistic model to predict forces generated by ball end mills in micromilling
Type: Research
Micromilling is a type of chip removal process with high added value often used in cutting-edge technological sectors such as aerospace, automotive or biomedical. Cutting forces in milling and micro-milling processes are a fundamental aspect of machining. They represent the "electrocardiogram of the process", they can provide indications whether the processing is being carried out correctly or not in terms of tolerances to be obtained and general compliance. Mechanistic models are often used to predict cutting forces in micromilling, offering a good trade-off between accuracy in the description of the phenomenon and complexity of creating the model itself. The model currently developed by PoliMill is able to accurately predict micromilling forces deriving from end mills but is not yet able to predict forces developed by toric and spherical cutters.
The aim of the thesis is to improve the performance of the model by expanding its predictive capabilities to these two types of cutters (in particular the spherical ones) which are of enormous industrial interest as they are widely used for finishing molds worth tens or hundreds of thousands of euros and dozens of hours of work.
- Basic knowledge of chip removal processes
- Basic knowledge of cutting forces in milling and/or micro-milling
- Basic programming (Python/MATLAB)
Skills acquired: In-depth knowledge of chip removal processes, In-depth knowledge of the physics of the chip removal process, In-depth knowledge of tools and their characteristics, Intermediate knowledge of Python programming.
- Prof. Massimiliano Annoni (massimiliano.annoni@polimi.it)
- Ing. Francesco Barna (francesco.barna@polimi.it)
Potential thesis points: 7 Points
Complexity: 4,5/5
Start date: Immediately
Tag: Micromilling, Cutting Forces, Modelling
- LEARNING TIME: -- min.