Digital Machining

The PoliMill course is aimed at staff and engineering department managers of manufacturing companies involved in milling. Participants will use a modern, digital workflow to design and implement a milling cycle. The goal is to lower the barrier to entry into the world of Digital Machining and Industry 4.0 applied to machining.

The course allows the use of state-of-the-art Digital Machining software such as Sandvik Coromant ToolGuide®, Siemens NX®, CGTech Vericut® and Bruker Alicona MetMaX® by making PCs available to participants.


Lesson 0: Introduction to CNC machining centers

In this lesson, the main characteristics of a CNC machining center are briefly presented: structure, control and main architectures. At the same time, an examination is made of the main types of tools used for machining on the machine.

Lesson 1: Introduction to the world of chip removal

This lesson introduces the basics needed to approach the industrial world of chip removal with a focus on milling theory.

Lesson 2: Tool Holder

This lecture introduces tool gripping systems, the various types of standardized spindle interfaces, types of clamping and their characteristics.

Lesson 3: Coolant fluids

This lecture introduces the theoretical basis of lubrorefrigeration, the distinction between the various types of lubrorefrigeration, their characteristics and applicability.

Lesson 4: Set up operations on CAM

This lesson introduces the basics of being able to properly set up the basic operations of the milling process, such as: face milling, contouring and making pockets from solid. The Siemens NX CAM program will be used at this juncture.®.

Lesson 5: Simulating Processes with CGTech VERICUT®

In questa lezione si introducono le basi per poter comprendere a pieno quali sono le funzioni e le potenzialità che un simulatore di alto livello come VERICUT® può offrire. A partire dalla verifica dei processi arrivando all’ottimizzazione dei parametri del processo stesso.

Lesson 6: Innovative measurement solutions for production

In this lesson, the 3D optical measurement technology is presented. The advantages of adopting a non-contact technology that allows precise and immediate measurements even where traditional technologies do not reach are presented.

Lesson 7: Cybersecurity in the world of machine tools

In this lesson we introduce the best practices that everyone should follow to protect their data from external attacks. Finally, in the second part we present the vulnerabilities of machine tools to hacker attacks through communication protocols.

Lezione 8: La Scelta dell’acciaio speciale

In questa lezione vengono introdotte brevemente le caratteristiche degli acciai speciali ed il loro metodo produttivo. Successivamente vengono presentati più approfonditamente gli acciai speciali per utensili ed i concetti base che aiutano alla selezione della qualità adatta in base all’applicazione.

Politecnico di Milano
PoliMill Laboratory
Building B23
Via G. La Masa 1,
20156 Milano